Polenta bowl oriental style

Posted on 1 min read

How cool is it to prepare a meal using only local ingredients? Thanks to my Farmy order, I know exactly where everything in this bowl comes from. Somehow this makes it taste so much better! Besides, this dish is great when you don’t have much time to prepare it. But beware: the polenta needs a little longer to soften.

Polenta bowl
Polenta bowl
Polenta bowl oriental style
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2 servings
2 servings
Polenta bowl
Polenta bowl oriental style
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2 servings
2 servings
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  1. Prepare the polenta together with the vegetable broth according to the instructions. Tip: the polenta can also be left to swell in a heat-retaining saucepan. I have omitted the butter. However, you can use vegan margarine if you like.
  2. Prepare the lettuce and cucumber.
  3. Cut the MozzaVella into slices.
  4. Fry the falafel with a little oil.
  5. As soon as the polenta is ready, the bowl can be arranged according to taste.
  6. Finally, garnish with some beetroot hummus.
Recipe Notes


Please note, if you are prone to indigestion or flatulence: the chosen bouillon does not contain onions and garlic and is therefore also suitable for irritable bowel syndrome and a low FODMAP diet. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

You can find all the ingredients at Farmy!

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