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Steak de bœuf grillé avec tomates cerises

Posted on 1 min read

Un steak juteux et bien assaisonné est indispensable pendant la saison des barbecues. Grâce à notre recette, tu pourras créer un festin qui impressionnera tes invités !

T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
Steak de bœuf grillé avec tomates cerises
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4 personnes
T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
Steak de bœuf grillé avec tomates cerises
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4 personnes
4 personnes
Servings: personnes
  1. Sors le steak du réfrigérateur environ 2 heures avant la cuisson. Frotte-le avec un peu d'huile juste avant de le faire frire. Pour les tomates cerises en grappe, tiens un morceau de papier sulfurisé froissé sous l'eau courante pour qu'il reste un peu d'humidité sur le papier.
  2. Lave les tomates cerises et place-les sur le papier sulfurisé. Assaisonne-les de sel, de poivre de jungle, de thym et de sucre vanilliné.
  3. Préchauffe le gril à 220-225 °C et saisis la viande directement sur le gril pendant environ 3 minutes de chaque côté. Cuire ensuite à 100-120 °C en chaleur indirecte jusqu'à la température à cœur souhaitée – pour à point environ 59 °C.
  4. Pour les tomates cerises, rassemble les coins du papier sulfurisé pour former une sorte de sac. Place le sac sur le côté indirect du gril et fais griller pendant environ 10 à 15 minutes.
  5. Couvre la viande et laisse-la reposer pendant environ 2 à 3 minutes, sale-la bien, coupe-la et sers-la avec les tomates cerises et tes garnitures de barbecue préférées.
Recipe Notes

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Hummus mit Kräutern und Piment d’Espelette

Posted on 1 min read

Magst du Hummus? Dann probiere doch mal ein neues Rezept aus und mache diesen Hummus mit Kräutern und Piment d’Espelette. Es ist perfekt für einen gemütlichen Aperitif mit Freunden oder der Familie!

Für dieses Rezept musst du die getrockneten Kichererbsen 12 Stunden lang einweichen, bevor du den Hummus zubereitest.

Hummus in three bowls
Hummus mit Kräutern und Piment d'Espelette
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Servings Prep Time
10 Personen 15 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minuten 12 Stunden
Servings Prep Time
10 Personen 15 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minuten 12 Stunden
Hummus in three bowls
Hummus mit Kräutern und Piment d'Espelette
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Servings Prep Time
10 Personen 15 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minuten 12 Stunden
Servings Prep Time
10 Personen 15 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
45 Minuten 12 Stunden
  1. Kichererbsen in einem Topf mit Wasser etwa 45 Minuten lang kochen (bis sie weich sind). Wenn du einen Dampfgarer verwendest, beträgt die Garzeit 15 Minuten.
  2. Sobald die Kichererbsen gekocht sind, unter kaltem Wasser abspülen und mit den anderen Zutaten in eine Rührschüssel geben.
  3. Die Kräuter nach und nach hinzufügen, je nachdem, wie sie dir schmecken.
  4. Pürieren, bis alles glatt ist. Falls nötig, Olivenöl hinzufügen, um die Mischung aufzulockern.
  5. Den Piment d'Espelette zuletzt hinzugeben.
  6. Den Hummus in eine Schüssel geben, mit ein paar frischen Kräuterblättern bestreuen und mit Olivenöl beträufeln.
  7. Mit frischem Fladenbrot oder anderem Brot servieren. Än Guete!
Recipe Notes

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Rindssteak vom Grill mit Cherrytomaten

Posted on 1 min read

Ein saftiges, gut gewürztes Steak darf während der Grillsaison einfach nicht fehlen. Mit unserem Rezept gelingt dir ein Gaumenschmaus, mit dem du deine Gäste beeindrucken kannst!

T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
Rindssteak vom Grill mit Cherrytomaten
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4 Personen
4 Personen
T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
Rindssteak vom Grill mit Cherrytomaten
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4 Personen
4 Personen
Servings: Personen
  1. Das Steak etwa 2 Stunden vor der Zubereitung aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen. Direkt vor dem Braten mit wenig Öl einreiben. Für die Cherrytomaten am Stiel ein Stück zusammengeknülltes Backpapier unter fliessendes Wasser halten, sodass etwas Feuchtigkeit im Papier bleibt.
  2. Die Cherrytomaten waschen und auf das Backpapier legen. Mit Salz, Urwaldpeffer, Thymian und Vanillinzucker würzen.
  3. Den Grill auf 220–225 °C vorheizen, das Fleisch direkt auf dem Rost pro Seite ca. 3 Minuten scharf anbraten. Anschliessend bei 100–120 °C indirekter Hitze zur gewünschten Kerntemperatur garen – für à point ca. 59 °C.
  4. Bei den Cherrytomaten die Ecken des Backpapiers zusammenfassen, sodass eine Art Beutel entsteht. Den Beutel auf die indirekte Seite des Grills legen und ca. 10–15 Minuten mitgrillen.
  5. Das Fleisch zugedeckt etwa 2–3 Minuten ruhen lassen, kräftig salzen, aufschneiden und mit den Cherrytomaten sowie liebsten Grill-Beilagen servieren.
Recipe Notes

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Special cuts – grocery stores vs. a trustful local butcher

Posted on 3 min read

Are you an avid meat lover? Then you might be familiar with the different varieties of cuts and the best methods of cooking them to perfection.

Grocery stores usually offer the same kind of cuts, but some can cost an arm and a leg. So why not go off the beaten track and visit a local butcher? He or she might have reserved something special for a fraction of the cost.  

In general, the difference between cuts you get in a grocery store compared to those from a friendly butcher is both in the price and availability. Some cuts are so obscure that they don’t get to be sold as a mainstream consumer item. Instead, they get ground into minced beef because burgers sell well. So sometimes, the only place you will get these special cuts is from a butcher. He or she who deals with the whole animal, sectioning it into primal cuts.

In this article, we’ll mention some uncommon and underappreciated cuts. Good news: these rare cuts will not break your bank account – and taste wonderful if cooked in the correct way.

A close relative to tenderloin

Flat Iron Steak, or Blade Steak, is almost as tender as tenderloin. Despite being a relatively rare choice in restaurants and grocery stores, it has a fair amount of marbling. This cut further has a lot of flavours and a “beefy” taste. And it is a fantastic alternative to ribeye – but minus the price.

The flat iron comes from the shoulder of a cow, the area also known as the chuck. Its shape is rectangular and quite thick with a muscular structure.

You can marinate flat iron before cooking or use it interchangeably with flank steak or skirt. But it tastes great when grilled or pan-fried with some oil and salt. Just make sure the cooking surface is not extremely hot. This cut is usually thick and might burn too fast before it has a chance to cook through.

You are looking to cook it to a medium-rare level of doneness (60 °C / 135 F internal temperature). Rest cooked meat for 20 minutes and cut against the grain when serving.

An alternative to ribeye

Chuck Eye Steak is another alternative for ribeye and, again, a much cheaper one. That explains its informal name: “poor man’s ribeye”. It may be difficult to source as there are only two chuck eye steaks per cow.

Chuck’s eye comes from the chuck, the fifth rib, which is very close to where ribeye would be cut. This cut is great for roasts and other slow-cooking methods.

However, it can also be pan-fried or grilled. It just needs a liberal amount of salt and pepper for extra flavour. For the best result, the internal temperature for the chuck eye should be 62 °C / 145 F.

Another rare cut of only two per cow

Here is another unusual cut which is both tender and full of flavour if cooked correctly. It comes from the backbone above the rump and has quite an unusual appearance. Behold Oyster Steak, aka Spider Steak, aka Pope’s Eye.

The cut has fat striations on one side, resembling an oyster or a spider web. Again, there are just two of them from one animal. And it has good marbling and plenty of flavour and tenderness.

It’s a thin cut, so when pan-frying or grilling on very high heat, be fast. Otherwise, if overcooked, it will become chewy. Look for 55 °C / 130 F internal temperature for the best result. Once cooked, wrap it in foil and let it rest before serving.



Grilled beef steak with cherry tomatoes

Posted on 1 min read

A juicy, well-seasoned steak is a must during barbecue season. With our recipe, you’ll be able to create a feast that will impress your guests!

T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
Grilled beef steak with cherry tomatoes
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4 people
4 people
T-Bone Steak with tomatoes
Grilled beef steak with cherry tomatoes
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4 people
4 people
Servings: people
  1. Remove the steak from the refrigerator about 2 hours before cooking. Rub with a little oil just before frying. For the cherry tomatoes on the vine, hold a piece of crumpled baking paper under running water so that some moisture remains on the paper.
  2. Wash the cherry tomatoes and place them on the baking paper. Season with salt, jungle pepper, thyme and vanillin sugar.
  3. Preheat the grill to 220-225 °C and sear the meat directly on the grill for about 3 minutes per side. Then cook at 100-120 °C indirect heat to the desired core temperature – for à point approx. 59 °C.
  4. For the cherry tomatoes, gather the corners of the baking paper to form a kind of bag. Place the bag on the indirect side of the grill and grill for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Cover the meat and let it rest for about 2-3 minutes, salt it well, cut it open and serve it with the cherry tomatoes and your favourite barbecue garnishes.
Recipe Notes

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Sharp, earthly and floral

Posted on 2 min read

Thyme has been long enjoined by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans. The people of the past loved this perennial plant and burned them as incense, used its sprigs in baths and aromatised cheeses and liqueurs. Thyme is one of the most important and well-known herbs of the Mediterranean region.

Its pleasant aromatic odour comes from its main chemical component found abundantly in the leaves (and named apparently after the plant itself) – thymol. If you once smell thyme, you’ll unmistakably recognize it next time. Sharp, earthy, almost minty flavour with floral hints. It’s quite subtle to be blended and harmonised with other flavours yet rather potent to stay out distinctively.

Plus thyme is an unpretentious plant that is easy to grow. Because it has so many culinary advantages, thyme has made it to many cuisines and dishes.

A true workhorse

The versatility of the plant is what cooks love it for. They roast, bake, saute, braise and marinate with thyme, they use it as a part of stuffings and as a part of dry rubs, they add it to savoury dishes and to sweet ones. Thyme is a true workhorse in the kitchen.

To enjoy it as much as possible try it in a regular omelette with fresh thyme and cheddar. Whisk together 2 eggs, 2 tbsp of grated cheese, 1 tsp of chopped thyme, salt and pepper. Heat a non-stick pan, add 1 tsp of butter to it and wait until it melts and starts frothing, then pour the egg mixture into a pan. Help yourself with a spatula by breaking the forming egg lumps and constantly swirl the pan around for the first 30 seconds.

This will help you to transfer heat to many proteins and not only the lower layer that usually gets in contact with a pan. After half a minute leave the omelette alone and let it cook through. Then roll it into a plate and dig in immediately.

Dip it dried

That was a recipe for fresh thyme, but what about the dried? One of the best things you can actually make with it is a wonderful, fragrant dipping sauce that’s perfect for fresh or steamed vegetables. All you need to make it is 100 g of butter, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of dried thyme, salt and pepper. Stir everything in a pot, wait until the butter is melted. You want its proteins browned a little, and when that pleasant nutty smell appears the sauce is ready. Pour it all over the veggie dish or use with chic.

