All Posts By Anina Gepp

Healthy vegan carrot muffins

Posted on 1 min read

Carrot cake is my absolute favourite and should not be missing at Easter. Because Sunday brunch is often quite lavish anyway, I have a recipe for you which works wonderfully for muffins and small cakes.

I find it almost more appropriate to be able to offer small portions. In addition, the cupcakes – or the rabbits and eggs as in the picture – look wonderful on a cake stand. The recipe is also free of refined sugar and gluten.

carrot muffins in Easter egg and bunny shapes
Healthy vegan carrot muffins
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Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Healthy vegan carrot muffins
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Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
  1. Melt the coconut oil and mix with the other liquid ingredients in a bowl.
  2. For the egg substitute, let the mixture of ground flaxseed and water set for 10 minutes and then add it to the liquid mixture.
  3. Combine liquid mixture with dry ingredients and mix well.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the muffins or rabbits in the silicone mould for a maximum of 25 minutes.
  5. Test the muffins with a toothpick.
Recipe Notes

Tip: the cakes taste best when left in the fridge overnight


Muffins végans aux carottes

Posted on 1 min read

Le gâteau aux carottes est mon préféré et il ne devrait pas être oublié à Pâques. Comme le brunch du dimanche est souvent très copieux, j’ai une recette pour vous qui fonctionne à merveille pour les muffins et les petits gâteaux.

Muffins végans aux carottes
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15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Muffins végans aux carottes
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Rezept drucken
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings: minutes
  1. Dans un bol, faire fondre l'huile de coco et la mélanger avec les autres ingrédients liquides.
  2. Pour le substitut d'œuf, laisser reposer le mélange de graines de lin moulues et d'eau pendant 10 minutes, puis l'ajouter au mélange liquide.
  3. Mélanger les ingrédients liquides avec les ingrédients secs et mélanger bien.
  4. Préchauffer le four à 180°C et faire cuire les muffins pendant 25 minutes maximum.
  5. Vérifier les muffins avec un cure-dent.
Recipe Notes

Astuce : les gâteaux sont plus savoureux lorsqu'ils sont conservés au réfrigérateur toute la nuit


5 good and sustainable New Year’s resolutions

Posted on 4 min read

As soon as the Christmas feast is over, we begin to make our resolutions for the New Year. The only one that stays the same every year is the one about sticking to them! Two-thirds of what we set our minds to, we inevitably lose interest in or forget about. Especially when it comes to the fight against winter weight. That’s exactly why this article will (for once) not deal with how to quickly shed those excess pounds. Because often everything revolves around our own microcosm in our New Year’s resolutions. But what if we let our intentions benefit the climate — and consequently mankind this year?

What we eat not only influences our health, well-being and our figure. — our diet also has an impact on the environment, society and animal welfare. Through a more conscious diet, we can have a large impact. By choosing healthy, environmentally-friendly food, produced under fair conditions, we automatically reduce our ecological footprint. It also simply feels better to know exactly where the food that ends up on your plate comes from.

Did you know that food causes 28% of all environmental pollution in Switzerland? Reason enough to summarize a few simple shopping tips and everyday advice to help you start the new year more ecologically.

1. Buy what you need

In Switzerland, almost one-third of all food ends up in the bin. As a whole, it is not retailers and restaurants that are to blame…it’s us. We as consumers often purchase too much and then end up throwing food away; because it goes bad, we leave it in the fridge or we cook too much and no longer feel like eating our leftovers. Each person throws away an average of 320 grams per day — that corresponds to nearly a whole meal! It helps to think about what you need before you go shopping. A good old list comes in handy here! Once the food is at home, it is important to store it properly. Placing products in the front of the fridge (where they are always visible) enables you to use them before they go bad. Purchasing the right portions also helps to ensure that opened food is consumed more quickly. Tip: Storing in transparent Tupperware gives you a better overview of everything in the refrigerator.

By the way: even if a food product has expired according to its packaging, this does not mean that it is no longer edible. The date merely guarantees that the product will taste exactly the same up to that point as it did when it was packaged. So the rule here is: it is better to smell and taste it. A yoghurt, for example, is still delicious even up to a week past its sell-by date.

2. Consume less meat

A dish with meat contains three times more greenhouse gases than a vegetarian meal. A lot can be done for the environment by reducing the consumption of meat and fish. It is problematic that half of animal fodder comes from abroad. In order to grow enough animal fodder for the Swiss livestock, we would need to use all of the arable land available in Switzerland, leaving none for ourselves. For the large-scale cultivation of soya, rainforests are cut down and small farmers are driven off their land. It is also important to ensure that meat is produced in an environmentally friendly and species-appropriate manner (organic). If you are worried that you will not be able to cover your protein requirements by consuming less meat, we recommend that you include more vegetable protein sources such as tofu, beans and chickpeas in your diet.

3. Seasonal and local shopping

Knowing where the food on your plate comes from simply feels and tastes better. It also helps to avoid long transport routes. Air transports in particular put a heavy strain on the climate. Supporting local suppliers makes perfect sense! That being said, it is important to purchase products that are in season — just because something is regional does not guarantee  sustainability. If food is grown in heated greenhouses, this can also have a negative impact on the ecological balance of the product.

4. Walking

These days we live our lives sitting down – we rarely walk. So take the time to refresh your mind by going for a regular walk. It’s also a good way to get some physical activity that will do your body a world of good.

5. Say no to plastic & yes to recycling

Not every fruit needs an extra plastic bag. It makes more sense to always have a cloth bag with you so you are prepared for every purchase. You also save a lot of packaging (and eat healthier) if you cook fresh every day. If plastic packaging is unavoidable, make sure to buy as large a pack as possible of basic foodstuffs. This will limit the amount of small packaging you purchase. By the way, did you know that Farmy is completely free of plastic in its fruits and vegetables section? The “bags” are made of corn starch and can easily be composted. Furthermore, all the packaging material can simply be returned with the next delivery. The packaging material is collected and, if possible, reused or recycled.

Are you ready?

So let’s all try to pay even more attention in the New Year to how and where we shop. Each one of us decides daily what footprint he/she leaves on the planet. Farmy tries to make the world a little bit better through conscious nutrition. There are fewer CO2 emissions when you shop local, purchase organic and composte or recycle your food. In addition, it supports numerous farmers and small producers in Switzerland.

I wish you all a good — and hopefully (even) more sustainable — start into the new year.

All my love, Anina


Detox saine pour après les fêtes

Posted on 3 min read

Après le grand festin de Noël, une cure detox permet de nettoyer notre corps. Cependant, les detox ne doivent pas nécessairement être coûteuses ou compliquées. Je vous montrerai comment vous remettre en forme grâce à des conseils et des astuces simples et comment vous débarrasser de ces quelques kilos en trop. Car si vous faites une cure detox régulièrement, vous soutiendrez votre système immunitaire et resterez en forme.


L’eau évacue toutes les toxines du corps. Il est donc important d’en boire suffisamment, surtout après les vacances/fêtes. Il est utile d’utiliser une grande carafe et de se fixer un objectif quant au moment où elle doit être vide. Si vous voyagez beaucoup, vous pouvez faire de même avec une bouteille d’eau en verre. Si vous avez du mal à boire beaucoup d’eau en hiver, le thé fonctionne également (à condition qu’il ne soit pas sucré) ! Un simple bouillon de légumes est également très bon.


Le mouvement est au moins aussi important que l’eau. Même une longue marche stimulera notre métabolisme. Cela signifie que les toxines sont rapidement transportées hors du sang. Alors motivez-vous et sortez et prenez l’air !


Il existe différents types de detox. Pour toutes les formes de detox, il est important de manger suffisamment d’aliments frais, en particulier des fruits et légumes biologiques. D’autant mieux s’ils sont également cultivés localement. La viande et les autres graisses animales doivent être évitées, de même que tout ce qui contient des colorants artificiels et des conservateurs. Même le sucre est tabou ! Si vous souhaitez jeûner correctement, vous pouvez également faire une cure de jus de fruits pendant quelques jours ou simplement profiter d’une matinée sans petit-déjeuner et manger à midi.

Ma recette detox

L’idée derrière la detox est d’éliminer les restes d’aliments malsains, de surconsommation d’alcool et de nicotine du corps. Tout cela laisse des traces dans notre corps et les produits chimiques que nous absorbons par l’air et l’eau s’accumulent également en nous. En conséquence, les substances se lient les unes aux autres dans le corps et sur la graisse. Avec une cure detox, ces substances peuvent être à nouveau éliminées. De nombreuses entreprises ont mis au point des poudres et des compléments alimentaires spéciaux à cette fin, mais tout cela est en fait complètement absurde. Tout cela peut être fait beaucoup plus simplement, plus naturellement et avec seulement quelques ingrédients. Voici comment vous pouvez vraiment remettre votre corps sur pied avec un smoothie vert. Voici ce dont vous avez besoin :

  • 2 bananes surgelées
  • 1 poignée de pousses d’épinards
  • 2 fines tranches de gingembre
  • le jus et le zeste d’un demi-citron
  • une pointe de vanille
  • un peu d’eau
  • 1/2 c.à.c de psyllium moulu

Tous les ingrédients sont alors mis dans le mixeur et mélangés sur le réglage le plus élevé. Le secret d’un smoothie crémeux est d’utiliser un tiers des ingrédients sous forme surgelée. Cela aide aussi beaucoup si vous voulez faire un smoothie bowl. Grâce à la consistance plus épaisse, vos toppings ne couleront pas ! Autre point important : mâchez votre smoothie ! Cela vous paraît étrange ? Eh bien, un smoothie a bien plus à offrir que de l’eau. Pour que votre corps puisse bien absorber tous les nutriments, vous devez saliver.


Post-festivity healthy detox

Posted on 3 min read

After the big feast at Christmas, a detox treatment cleanses our body. However, detoxes do not have to be expensive or complicated. I’ll show you how to get back into shape with simple tips and tricks and how to get rid of those few pounds too many. For if you detox regularly, you will support your immune system and stay fit.


Water flushes all toxins out of the body. Therefore, it is important to drink enough of it — especially after the holidays. It helps to use a large carafe and set a target for when it should be empty. If you travel a lot, you can do the same with a glass water bottle. If you find it difficult to drink a lot of water in winter, tea also works (provided it’s unsweetened)! A simple vegetable broth is also very good.


Movement is at least as important as water. Even a long walk will stimulate our metabolism. This means that toxins are quickly transported out of the blood. So give yourself a push: go out and get some fresh air!


There are different types of detoxification. With all forms of detox it is important to eat enough fresh food — especially organic fruits and vegetables. All the better if they are also locally grown. Meat and other animal fats should be avoided, as should everything containing artificial colours and preservatives. Even sugar is taboo! If you would like to fast properly, you can also do a juice cleanse for a few days or just enjoy a morning without breakfast and eat at noon.

My Detox Recipe

The idea behind detoxing is to flush the remains of unhealthy food, overconsumption of alcohol and nicotine out of the body. All this leaves traces in our body. Chemicals that we absorb through the air and water also accumulate in us. As a result, both substances and fat bind together in the body. With a detox, these substances can be removed again.

The idea behind detoxing is to flush the remains of unhealthy food, overconsumption of alcohol and nicotine out of the body.

Many companies have developed special powders and food supplements for this specific purpose, but all this is actually complete nonsense. The whole thing can be done far more simply, more naturally and with only a few ingredients. Here’s how you can really get your body going again with a green smoothie. Here’s what you need:

  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 handful of baby spinach
  • 2 thin slices of ginger
  • juice and peel of 1/2 a lemon
  • a dash of vanilla
  • a splash of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground psyllium husks

All ingredients are now put into the blender and mixed on the highest setting. The secret to a creamy smoothie is to use one third of the ingredients in frozen form. This also helps a lot if you want to make a smoothie bowl. The thicker consistency means that your toppings won’t sink! Also important: chew your smoothie! Sounds odd? Well, a smoothie has much more to offer than just water. In order for your body to be able to absorb all the nutrients well, you need to salivate.

Now I wish you a lot of fun with purification and smoothie eating. All my love, Anina


Raw Vegan Cinnamon Stars

Posted on 1 min read

If we have to name one delicacy that belongs on the Christmas plate, it’s definitely the cinnamon star. Considered as a classic among the biscuits with its rustic nut flavour and hint of spicy cinnamon, it’s one of the most popular biscuits in the Advent season. Crispy outside, soft inside: that’s how we recognise the cinnamon star. Today I would like to show you step by step a healthy and vegan variation of the original recipe, which is actually raw!

You read that right, these cookies do not go in the oven! But don’t worry: we don’t need any eggs for these cinnamon stars, so the dough can be eaten without any worries. And let’s be honest, the best thing about “Guetzle” is snacking on the dough as you go.

Raw Vegan Cinnamon Stars - for pleasure without regret
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Raw Vegan Cinnamon Stars - for pleasure without regret
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  1. First, pit the dates and soak them in lukewarm water. After about half an hour they can be drained and put directly into the blender or food processor. Mix together with the nut butter, coconut oil and a good splash of water. This should result in a nice, creamy mixture. Once the mixture is smooth, add the salt, vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa and agave syrup. Mix until well combined.
  2. Place the mixture in a separate bowl. Briefly rinse out the blender and add the quinoa flakes. Pulse until the result is a flour-like consistency. Tip: save about 3 heaped tablespoons of the flour in order to roll the dough out on.
  3. Combine the liquid mixture and flour in a bowl, using a large spoon or fork. Then add the ground almonds and hazelnuts. If the dough is too sticky, just add some more flour and/or nuts (you can also use another flour if you are not gluten intolerant). Once the consistency is right (the dough should be cookie-like, sticky but not too moist) place the dough in a container. The dough should be kept in the fridge for at least three hours — or overnight.
  4. By allowing the dough to rest, the cinnamon flavour has time to develop and your stars will be easier to cut out. To roll out the dough you can either use sugar —like the original recipe — or use the flour you put aside earlier to keep the cookies free of refined sugar.
  5. If you like, the cinnamon stars can now be covered with a pretty dusting of snow . Mix the icing sugar with some water to decorate the stars. To do this, take a small spoonful and then spread the icing directly with the tip of your index finger.
  6. The finished cinnamon stars can now be stored in the refrigerator where they’ll keep for up to 2 weeks. But believe me, they’ve never lasted that long in my house because they simply taste too good! Have fun trying them out and have a wonderful Christmas time.
