All Posts By Sofie Jaeger

Cream cheese with figs and walnuts

Posted on 1 min read

The fig tree needs warm summers and mild winters. Nevertheless, they grow in Switzerland, for example in the north of the Alps, in areas where the climate is favourable for growing vines, in well-protected places such as on house walls and in bright inner courtyards.

Fig cream cheese with walnuts
Cream cheese with figs and walnuts
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Fig cream cheese with walnuts
Cream cheese with figs and walnuts
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  1. Cut the lime in half and squeeze it.
  2. Cut the dried figs into small pieces, pour hot water over them and let them stand for 10 minutes. Then pour off the water and puree the fig pieces with the lime juice.
  3. Mix the honey and cream cheese in a bowl.
  4. Cut the nuts into small pieces and add them to the dip. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. For the garnish, cut the fresh fig into four small pieces. Garnish the dip with the diced figs, honey and nuts.



Posted on 1 min read

Weil Kürbisse wahrlich gigantisch werden können, finden in zahlreichen Ländern jährliche Meisterschaften im Kürbiswiegen statt. So hat in 2016 ein belgischer Kürbiszüchter mit seiner 1190,5 Kilogramm schweren Frucht den Weltrekord gebrochen!

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Alle tierischen Produkte können durch pflanzliche Alternativen ersetzt werden
2 Personen
2 Personen
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Alle tierischen Produkte können durch pflanzliche Alternativen ersetzt werden
2 Personen
2 Personen
Servings: Personen
  1. Kartoffeln schälen und weichkochen. Den Kürbis kleinschneiden und ebenfalls für ca. 10 Minuten garen. Die weichen Kartoffeln und den Kürbis zu einer weichen Masse stampfen. Kurz abkühlen lassen.
  2. Salz, Pfeffer und Muskat nach Belieben dazugeben. Für die nicht-vegane Variante nun das Ei hinzufügen und unterrühren.
  3. Danach das Mehl (und für die vegane Variante auch die Kartoffelstärke) nach und nach zum Teig geben. So lange, bis der Teig gut formbar ist und nicht mehr klebt.
  4. Aus dem Teig nun eine lange Schlange mit ca. 3 - 4cm Durchmesser rollen.
  5. Ca. 0.5cm dicke Scheiben abschneiden und daraus mit den Händen die Schupfnudeln formen.
  6. Die fertigen Schupfnudeln nun mit etwas Öl in einer Pfanne knusprig anbraten.
  7. Alternativ können die Schupfnudeln auch im Topf gegart werden. Hierfür in kochendes Wasser geben und warten, bis sie an der Oberfläche schwimmen.
  8. Zu diesem Gericht eignet sich besonders Sauerkraut, eine leckere Pilzsauce, angebratener Speck oder alles, was das Herz begehrt.


Gooseberry and amaretto jam

Posted on 1 min read

Gooseberry comes in green, yellow or purple, depending on the variety. The gooseberry has been cultivated as a berry fruit since about the 16th century and is also known in Switzerland as Chruselbeeri or Chrosle.

Gooseberry and amaretto jam
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6-7 glasses
6-7 glasses
Gooseberry and amaretto jam
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6-7 glasses
6-7 glasses
Servings: glasses
  1. Wash the gooseberries, remove the stems. Puree with the sugar to obtain a smooth mixture.
  2. Place the mixture in a saucepan and slowly bring to a boil. Simmer for about 3-4 minutes while stirring.
  3. Now add the Amaretto and simmer for another minute.
  4. Make a gelling test: to do this, place a few drops of jam on a plate. If the mixture is thick to firm after 1-2 minutes, the jam will be firm enough afterwards. If not, let the mixture simmer for another 1-2 minutes and repeat the test.
  5. Fill the glasses, close them and put them on the lid to allow them to cool.


Corn Cob Party

Posted on 1 min read

Thanks to the starch it contains, corn is not only processed in the food industry but is also used as a renewable raw material for the production of bio-based plastics. But today we want to take care of the culinary side of corn.

Corn Cop Party
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All animal products can be replaced by plant-based alternatives.
Corn Cop Party
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All animal products can be replaced by plant-based alternatives.
  1. Pre-cook the fresh corn cobs in saltwater for approx. 20 minutes (If pre-cooked corn cobs have been purchased, this step is of course not necessary).
  2. Brush the corn cobs with oil and place them on the hot grill. Turn several times until the cobs look nicely roasted through.
  3. Cut the onion into thin rings. Fry them with some oil. Finally, add the honey and caramelise the rings a little.
  4. Finely chop the spring onion and the coriander, crumble the feta.
  5. Now spread each corn cob with sour cream and then sprinkle with spring onions, coriander, feta, the veggie chips and the caramelized onions.
  6. Finally sprinkle with some lime juice. Ready


Muffins mozzarella-basilic

Posted on 1 min read

Le basilic stimule l’appétit, favorise la digestion des graisses et aide à soulager les maux d’estomac. Mais tu ne peux pas te contenter de pimenter tes pâtes avec – aujourd’hui, nous préparons de délicieux muffins au basilic !

Mozzarella-basil muffins on white background
Muffins mozzarella-basilic
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Tous les produits d'origine animale peuvent être remplacés par une alternative végétale.
12 muffins
12 muffins
Muffins mozzarella-basilic
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Tous les produits d'origine animale peuvent être remplacés par une alternative végétale.
12 muffins
12 muffins
Servings: muffins
  1. Pour la pâte : dissoudre la levure dans l'eau tiède. Mélanger les autres ingrédients de la pâte dans un bol. Ajouter ensuite l'eau et la levure dissoute et pétrir jusqu'à l'obtention d'une pâte lisse pendant (environ 5-7 minutes). Couvrir et laisser lever pendant environ 60 minutes.
  2. Pour la farce : mélanger le basilic et l'huile dans un mixeur.
  3. Abaisser la pâte en un rectangle sur une surface farinée. Ensuite, badigeonner avec le mélange au basilic.
  4. Couper maintenant la pâte en 12 parts d'épaisseur égale (par exemple avec un rouleau à pizza), saupoudrer les différents morceaux de mozzarella hachée. Assaisonner avec du sel et du poivre.
  5. Rouler les bandes et les placer dans des moules à muffins. Laisser lever pendant 30 minutes supplémentaires.
  6. Préchauffer maintenant le four à 200°C et faire cuire les muffins pendant environ 30 minutes.
Recipe Notes

Trouve tous les ingrédients dont tu as besoin chez Farmy !


Watermelon Gazpacho

Posted on 1 min read

The first cultivated watermelons are known from the time around 2000 BC from Ancient Egypt and Western Asia. Gazpacho, on the other hand, comes from Andalusia. Today we combine these two things with a watermelon gazpacho for 2.

watermelon gazpacho
watermelon gazpacho
Watermelon Gazpacho
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Servings Prep Time
2 people 30 minutes
Passive Time
1 hour
Servings Prep Time
2 people 30 minutes
Passive Time
1 hour
watermelon gazpacho
Watermelon Gazpacho
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Servings Prep Time
2 people 30 minutes
Passive Time
1 hour
Servings Prep Time
2 people 30 minutes
Passive Time
1 hour
Servings: people
  1. Cut the bread into small pieces in a large bowl.
  2. Wash the vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces and add to the bread. So that it becomes soft.
  3. Chop the rest of the vegetables except the spring onion and puree them with a mixer. Then add the tomatoes and bread and puree again until smooth.
  4. Season to taste with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper and puree again briefly.
  5. Chill for about 1h and garnish with chopped spring onion.
  6. Tip: It is best to store the gazpacho in a glass bottle in the fridge. This way it will keep for a few days without any problems.
