All Posts By Noémie Nutrition

Vegan lemon cake

Posted on 1 min read

In between traditional lemon cake and banana bread, this recipe will bring together fans of both delicacies. The lemon and poppy seed combination is also a great classic that works superbly well on the plate to delight both the eyes and the mouth. A real treat!

Lemon cake in a lunch box with cut-open kiwi and nuts
Lemon cake in a lunch box with cut-open kiwi and nuts
Vegan lemon cake
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Servings Prep Time
1 cake 20 min
Cook Time
50 min
Servings Prep Time
1 cake 20 min
Cook Time
50 min
Lemon cake in a lunch box with cut-open kiwi and nuts
Vegan lemon cake
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Servings Prep Time
1 cake 20 min
Cook Time
50 min
Servings Prep Time
1 cake 20 min
Cook Time
50 min
Servings: cake
  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C.
  2. Mix the flour, sugar, poppy seeds and baking powder in a bowl.
  3. Peel and mash the banana with a fork, then add it to the bowl.
  4. Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice into the bowl. Mix well. Add the plant milk and almond purée. Mix well.
  5. Pour the mixture into a greased or lined cake tin.
  6. Decorate the cake as desired (with banana, oatmeal, coconut, etc.).
  7. Bake in the oven for 40 to 50 minutes (depending on the power of your oven).
  8. Carry out the "knife test" to make sure the cake is cooked through. Stick the blade of a knife into the cake: if it comes out clean, the cake is cooked!
Recipe Notes

Noémie's tip: If you've got leftover stale cake, now's the time to try my "Cake perdu" recipe.

This article was written by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. You can find her here.

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Gefrorene Bounty-Würfel

Posted on 1 min read

Du hast wahrscheinlich schon die Werbung für diesen Schokoriegel mit den Kokosnüssen, dem paradiesischen Strand und dem türkisfarbenen Wasser gesehen… Wie wäre es, wenn du dieses Rezept zu Hause nachmachst und dieses kleine Stückchen Himmel probierst?

iced bounty squares
iced bounty squares
Gefrorene Bounty-Würfel
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Servings Prep Time
6 Quadrate 5-10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Minute 70 Minuten
Servings Prep Time
6 Quadrate 5-10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Minute 70 Minuten
iced bounty squares
Gefrorene Bounty-Würfel
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Servings Prep Time
6 Quadrate 5-10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Minute 70 Minuten
Servings Prep Time
6 Quadrate 5-10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
1 Minute 70 Minuten
Servings: Quadrate
  1. Kokosraspeln im Mixer mahlen (optionaler Schritt für eine feinere Konsistenz).
  2. Kokosraspeln in eine grosse Schüssel geben.
  3. Kokosöl bei sehr niedriger Hitze schmelzen und über die Kokosraspeln giessen.
  4. Kokossirup und Vanilleextrakt hinzufügen. Gut verrühren.
  5. Mischung in eine Form nach Belieben giessen (Ich habe eine Eiswürfelform aus Silikon verwendet). Gut andrücken. Danach für 1 Stunde in den Gefrierschrank stellen.
  6. Schokolade bei schwacher Hitze schmelzen.
  7. Die gefrorenen Bounty-Quadrate aus der Form stürzen und nacheinander in die geschmolzene Schokolade tauchen.
  8. Schokolade 10 Minuten lang im Gefrierschrank fest werden lassen.
Recipe Notes

Tipp: Benutze eine Gabel, um die Bounty-Würfel mit Schokolade zu überziehen. Dann auf ein Gitter über ein Blatt Back- oder Haushaltspapier (damit die Schokolade nicht in den Gefrierschrank tropft) legen.

Hol' dir alle Zutaten bei Farmy!

Dieser Artikel stammt von Noémie Nutrition, einer qualifizierten Ernährungsberaterin in Lausanne. Du kannst sie auf ihrer Website finden.

Homemade ketchup

Posted on 1 min read

Oh, ketchup! A condiment that is almost unavoidable because it is so well known and appreciated! However, the products usually found in supermarkets are highly processed and often contain ingredients that we better avoid.

In this case, a solution is needed. And what could be better than a homemade recipe where you know all the ingredients used as well as their proportions?

To convince the skeptics, I would like to point out that this recipe is super simple and easy to prepare.

Home made ketchup with sweet potato fries on a plate
Homemade ketchup
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Servings Prep Time
1 jar 5 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 jar 5 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Home made ketchup with sweet potato fries on a plate
Homemade ketchup
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Servings Prep Time
1 jar 5 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 jar 5 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings: jar
  1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  2. Pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator after cooling.
Recipe Notes

This article is brought to you by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. You can find her on her website

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Stuffed bell peppers

Posted on 1 min read

A key summer vegetable, peppers can be found on the shelves from June to September, and even in October depending on the year and the place of cultivation. In addition to its summer colours, the pepper is the vegetable with the highest vitamin C content.

Although eaten as a vegetable, the pepper is actually a fruit from a botanical point of view. Its colour changes as it ripens. It is green when picked before ripening. Left on the plant, it will turn yellow, then red.

In this recipe, we use the ripest pepper. This beautiful red colour ensures that we get our fill of antioxidants.

Stuffed bell peppers
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Servings Prep Time
2 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Stuffed bell peppers
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Servings Prep Time
2 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 portions 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings: portions
  1. Cook the rice and quinoa according to the instructions on the packet. Set aside
  2. Wash the two peppers. Cut them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.
  3. Rinse and drain the corn
  4. In a lightly greased pan, fry the chopped onion with a little water. Once the water has evaporated, add the minced meat (veggie option: 1 block of smoked tofu cut into cubes) and cook for approx. 5-7 minutes over medium heat
  5. Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and stir. Once the meat is cooked, remove from the heat
  6. Prepare the stuffing for the peppers: Put 1 portion of cooked rice and 1 portion of cooked quinoa in a container. Add the corn, 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, the cooked minced meat and mix
  7. In an ovenproof dish, pour a little water in the bottom, place the 4 half peppers filled with the stuffing. Then place in the oven at 200°C for 40 minutes
  8. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for a few minutes.
  9. Before serving, add a little feta and coriander on top and enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Get all the ingredients you need at Farmy!

This article is shared by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. Find her on her website

Iced Bounty squares

Posted on 1 min read

You’ve probably already seen the advertisement for this chocolate bar with coconuts, the heavenly beach and the turquoise water… How about making this recipe at home and tasting this little piece of heaven?

iced bounty squares

iced bounty squares
Iced Bounty squares
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Servings Prep Time
6 squares 5-10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 minutes 70 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 squares 5-10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 minutes 70 minutes
iced bounty squares
Iced Bounty squares
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Servings Prep Time
6 squares 5-10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 minutes 70 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 squares 5-10 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
1 minutes 70 minutes
Servings: squares
  1. Blend the shredded coconut (optional step for a finer consistency).
  2. Pour the shredded coconut into a large bowl.
  3. Melt the coconut oil over a very low heat and pour over the shredded coconut.
  4. Add the coconut syrup and vanilla extract. Mix well.
  5. Pour the mixture into your mould (I used a silicone ice cube mould). Pack the mixture well. Then place in the freezer for 1 hour.
  6. Melt the chocolate over low heat.
  7. Turn out the frozen Bounty squares and dip them, one after the other, into the melted chocolate.
  8. Leave the chocolate to solidify in the freezer for 10 minutes.
Recipe Notes

Tip: Use a fork to coat the Bounty squares in chocolate. Then, place them on a grid over a sheet of baking paper or household paper (to prevent the chocolate from dripping into the freezer).

Get all the ingredients you need at Farmy!

This article is brought to you by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. You can find her on her website:


Posted on 1 min read

Was macht eine Waffel am besten aus? Für mich ist es definitiv der Duft. Mir läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen, wenn ich nur daran denke. Aber es könnte auch die Weichheit oder die super feinen Toppings sein… Du fragst dich also vielleicht, warum Zucchetti dazugeben?

Nun, Zucchetti verleiht dem Rezept Weichheit und Feuchtigkeit, ohne den Geschmack zu verändern. Kurz gesagt, ich finde, dass dieses Gemüse dem Teig das gewisse Extra verleiht. Ausserdem ist es eine clevere Art, Jung und Alt dazu zu bringen, ein Gemüse zu verzehren, ohne es wirklich zu bemerken.

Ein weiterer Pluspunkt dieses Rezepts ist, dass es nur preiswerte und vorzugsweise lokal bezogene Zutaten verwendet.

Courgette waffles with smoked salmon on top
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Servings Prep Time
10 Waffeln 10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
4 min. pro Waffel 1,5 Stunden
Servings Prep Time
10 Waffeln 10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
4 min. pro Waffel 1,5 Stunden
Courgette waffles with smoked salmon on top
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Servings Prep Time
10 Waffeln 10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
4 min. pro Waffel 1,5 Stunden
Servings Prep Time
10 Waffeln 10 Minuten
Cook Time Passive Time
4 min. pro Waffel 1,5 Stunden
Servings: Waffeln
  1. Die Zucchetti raspeln, in ein Sieb geben und mit Salz bestreuen. 30 Minuten lang abtropfen lassen.
  2. In der Zwischenzeit die Butter bei schwacher Hitze schmelzen und den Schnittlauch fein hacken.
  3. Die geraspelte Zucchetti abspülen, um das Salz zu entfernen, und in ein Tuch drücken, um sie so weit wie möglich abtropfen zu lassen.
  4. Mehl, Hefe und Milch mischen. Pfeffer, Eier, geschmolzene Butter, Zucchetti und Schnittlauch dazugeben. 1 Stunde lang im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen.
  5. Etwas Teig in das Waffeleisen giessen und jede Waffel 3-4 Minuten backen.
Recipe Notes

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Dieser Artikel wurde von Noémie Nutrition, einer diplomierten Ernährungsberaterin in Lausanne, verfasst. Du kannst sie auf ihrer Website finden: