All Posts By Noémie Nutrition

Roasted chestnuts

Posted on 1 min read

Yummy roasted chestnuts! Almost everyone loves this healthy and comforting snack on cold autumn days. But you have to have the patience to peel them – although this could be considered part of their charm!

Chestnuts are an interesting fruit in more ways than one. Rich in fibre and starch, they provide a good supply of carbohydrates. The energy is released gradually into the body, which makes it possible to sustain a prolonged effort, with positive effects on satiety and digestion.

But that’s not all! Chestnuts contain numerous minerals and trace elements that are important for health – particularly for sportsmen and women – with potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese.

Finally, chestnuts are very low in fat compared to other “nuts”.

Chestnuts being peeled by hand
Roasted chestnuts
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Servings Prep Time
2-3 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 1 hour
Servings Prep Time
2-3 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 1 hour
Chestnuts being peeled by hand
Roasted chestnuts
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Servings Prep Time
2-3 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 1 hour
Servings Prep Time
2-3 servings 15 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
30 minutes 1 hour
Servings: servings
  1. Soak the chestnuts in cold water for one hour.
  2. Preheat the oven to 250° C.
  3. Cut a small cross on each chestnut.
  4. Spread the chestnuts on a baking tray covered with baking paper and place a small container with 1 dl of water in the middle.
  5. Place in the oven. After 15 minutes, pour the water from the cup onto the baking sheet (without burning yourself). Bake for another 15 minutes.
  6. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly before eating while still warm.
Recipe Notes

This article is brought to you by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. Find out more about her on her website


Buckwheat pancakes

Posted on 1 min read

In this recipe, we use buckwheat flour. However, this name “buckwheat” is misleading because buckwheat is not a member of the wheat family. It is not a cereal. For the record, it is in fact a “pseudo-cereal”, like quinoa for example. This is why buckwheat is gluten-free.

Pancakes are usually made with white flour. This time, you will discover that buckwheat lends itself well to this type of thick and fluffy preparation. The famous Breton pancakes are in for a treat!

By the way, did you know that in addition to the flour, the whole buckwheat seed is also used?

I particularly recommend kasha, which is the hulled and roasted buckwheat seed. It is a rather extraordinary food as it can be used raw in a muesli, cooked as a starch in a meal, or as an infusion (sobacha).

Buckwheat pancakes with manderines
Buckwheat pancakes
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1 portion
1 portion
Buckwheat pancakes with manderines
Buckwheat pancakes
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1 portion
1 portion
Servings: portion
  1. In a bowl, mix the yoghurt and egg with a fork until smooth.
  2. Then add the flour, baking powder and milk. Mix again until the mixture is smooth.
  3. In a frying pan, heat 1 tsp of coconut oil and form the pancakes. Cook over medium heat (allow time for the pancakes to cook through, but do not overcook).
  4. Turn over when small bubbles appear on the pancakes.
  5. Add toppings as desired to the pancakes. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes


This article is brought to you by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. Find out more about her on her website


Bowl cake – no added sugar

Posted on 1 min read

Have you heard of bowl cakes? They are super simple and super fast recipes for breakfast or snacks. If you try it for the first time, you will be amazed by the result: a nice soft cake with great flavours.

A short ingredient list and nutritious products make this recipe a success. The oatmeal and the egg provide a good supply of fibre and protein. The oilseed puree provides quality fats and the fruit provides vitamins for a balanced meal.

Enjoyed while still warm, the bowl cake is the best way to start the day on the right foot!

Treat yourself 😉

Bowl cake - no added sugar
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Bowl cake - no added sugar
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  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Place the bowl in the microwave and cook for 4 minutes at full power (adjust according to the power of the microwave).
  3. Turn the bowl over onto a plate to "unmould" the cake.
  4. Add the toppings and enjoy while still warm.
Recipe Notes

This article is brought to you by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. Find her on her website


Tempeh noodles

Posted on 1 min read

Do you know about tempeh? Tempeh is a plant-based food that is very high in protein and super easy to cook.

It is made from soybeans left whole (unlike its cousin, tofu). And the result is a food that tastes better than tofu and has a denser, sometimes even crunchy texture. In short, this is a food you should try urgently, even if you are not vegan.

As with any food that you are not used to cooking (tempeh comes from Indonesia!), it is essential to find a good recipe to prepare it properly. Only the right seasoning and cooking will bring out the best in this delicious product.

Also originating from Asia, rice noodles are a product that we are not really used to cooking either. In Europe, we prefer wheat noodles, which we call pasta. Anyway, rice noodles are extremely easy and quick to prepare. The cooking time is usually 2x shorter than our usual pasta.

Tempeh and vegetables with rice noodles in a bowl
Tempeh and vegetables with rice noodles in a bowl
Tempeh noodles
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Servings Prep Time
1 portion 20 minutes
Cook Time
4 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 portion 20 minutes
Cook Time
4 minutes
Tempeh and vegetables with rice noodles in a bowl
Tempeh noodles
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Servings Prep Time
1 portion 20 minutes
Cook Time
4 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 portion 20 minutes
Cook Time
4 minutes
Servings: portion
  1. Pour the frozen vegetables into a saucepan and let them defrost over a low heat.
  2. Cut the tempeh into slices or cubes to your preference.
  3. Fry the tempeh pieces in a lightly greased pan over high heat for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat and add the soy sauce and turmeric. Stir and let simmer.
  4. Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the packet. Drain and set aside.
  5. Arrange the dish in a bowl and add the parsley and gomasio on top.
Recipe Notes

This article is brought to you by Noémie Nutrition, a qualified nutritionist in Lausanne. Find her on her website



Posted on 1 min read

In diesem Rezept verwenden wir Buchweizenmehl. Der Name “Buchweizen” ist jedoch irreführend, denn Buchweizen gehört nicht zur Familie der Weizenarten. Es handelt sich nämlich nicht um ein Getreide. Vielmehr handelt es sich um ein “Pseudogetreide”, wie zum Beispiel Quinoa. Deshalb ist Buchweizen auch glutenfrei.

Pfannkuchen werden normalerweise mit Weissmehl hergestellt. In diesem Fall wirst du feststellen, dass sich Buchweizen gut für diese Art der dicken und fluffigen Zubereitung eignet. Die berühmten bretonischen Pfannkuchen sind ein wahrer Genuss!

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Wusstest du übrigens, dass neben dem Mehl auch die ganzen Buchweizensamen verwendet werden?

Ich empfehle vor allem Kascha, das sind die geschälten und gerösteten Buchweizensamen. Es ist ein ziemlich aussergewöhnliches Lebensmittel, denn es kann roh in einem Müsli, gekocht als Stärke in einer Mahlzeit oder als Aufguss (sobacha) verwendet werden.

Buckwheat pancakes with manderines
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1 Portion
1 Portion
Buckwheat pancakes with manderines
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1 Portion
1 Portion
Servings: Portion
  1. In einer Schüssel den Joghurt und das Ei mit einer Gabel verrühren, bis der Teig glatt ist.
  2. Dann das Mehl, das Backpulver und die Milch hinzufügen. Nochmals verrühren, bis die Mischung glatt ist.
  3. In einer Pfanne 1 Teelöffel Kokosöl erhitzen und die Pfannkuchen formen. Bei mittlerer Hitze backen (die Pfannkuchen sollen durchgaren, aber nicht überbacken).
  4. Pfannkuchen wenden, wenn sich kleine Blasen bilden.
  5. Toppings nach Belieben auf die Pfannkuchen geben. Än Guete!
Recipe Notes

Dieser Artikel stammt von Noémie Nutrition, einer qualifizierten Ernährungsberaterin in Lausanne. Erfahre mehr über sie auf ihrer Website.



Posted on 1 min read

Kennst du Tempeh? Das ist ein pflanzliches Produkt, das sehr viel Eiweiß enthält und sehr einfach zuzubereiten ist.

Es wird aus fermentierten Sojabohnen hergestellt, die im Ganzen belassen werden (im Gegensatz zu seinem Cousin, dem Tofu). Das Ergebnis ist ein Lebensmittel, das besser schmeckt als Tofu und eine dichtere, manchmal sogar knusprige Textur hat. Kurzum, dieses Produkt solltest du unbedingt probieren, auch wenn du dich nicht vegan oder vegetarisch ernährst.

Wie bei allen Lebensmitteln, die man nicht zu kochen gewohnt ist (Tempeh kommt aus Indonesien!), ist es wichtig, ein gutes Rezept zu finden, um es richtig zuzubereiten. Nur mit der richtigen Würze und Zubereitung kommt das Beste aus diesem köstlichen Produkt heraus.

Die ebenfalls aus Asien stammenden Reisnudeln sind ein Produkt, dessen Zubereitung für uns ebenfalls ungewohnt ist. In Europa bevorzugen wir Weizenteigwaren, die wir Pasta nennen. Aber wir müssen bedenken, dass Reisnudeln extrem einfach und schnell zuzubereiten sind. Die Kochzeit ist in der Regel 2x kürzer als bei unseren üblichen Teigwaren.

Tempeh and vegetables with rice noodles in a bowl
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Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 20 Minuten
Cook Time
4 Minuten
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 20 Minuten
Cook Time
4 Minuten
Tempeh and vegetables with rice noodles in a bowl
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Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 20 Minuten
Cook Time
4 Minuten
Servings Prep Time
1 Portion 20 Minuten
Cook Time
4 Minuten
Servings: Portion
  1. Das gefrorene Gemüse in einen Topf geben und bei schwacher Hitze auftauen lassen.
  2. Den Tempeh nach Belieben in Scheiben oder Würfel schneiden.
  3. Die Tempehstücke in einer leicht gefetteten Pfanne bei starker Hitze 2 Minuten lang anbraten. Die Hitze reduzieren und Sojasauce sowie Kurkuma hinzufügen. Umrühren und köcheln lassen.
  4. Die Nudeln nach den Anweisungen auf der Packung kochen. Abtropfen lassen und beiseite stellen.
  5. Das Gericht in einer Schüssel anrichten und den Peterli und das Gomashio hinzufügen.
Recipe Notes

Dieser Artikel wurde von Noémie Nutrition, einer diplomierten Ernährungsberaterin in Lausanne, verfasst. Weitere Informationen über sie findest du auf ihrer Website.
